High Performing Culture Program

Most CEOs and business owners realize that the culture of their organization has an extraordinary impact on their results and how their people do their work.  Yet few have intentionally put a plan into place to systematically teach the behaviors of success.

World-class organizations have been able to rise above being commoditized by focusing on the behaviors that set them apart and then practicing them.  

Through this program called the Fundamentals System, we show companies how to not only define those behaviors but how to create rituals so that they are practiced become institutionalized.  The Eight Step Framework guides the system. 

Each company is unique so we create custom programs and proposals for each client.  However, they all follow a similar format:


1. Define/Articulate the desired behaviors - this entails a 2 to 3 hour meeting with the CEO and senior leaders to bring everyone up to speed on the approach and give contect to the session. During the second part of this meeting we facilitate articulating the behaviors that are important to you and your organization.


2. Employee Rollout - this is where we introduce the program to all employees. It's a crucial step so that we can get everyone engaged through a highly interactive event to get people excited, aligned and ready to practice the Fundamentals.


3. Rituals / eMinder - Rituals are a critical component and we'll discuss them during the facilitation day. Usually, most companies take advantage of our eMinder system that will send email reminders of the Fundamental of the Week along with a separate email mid-week that contains a scenario and one question on how to best respond using that week's Fundamental.

Download our capabilities brochure here: High Performing Culture Program Brochure

Contact us for your custom presentation and proposal: [email protected]



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