Ep 68 Navigating Turning Points and Intentionally Living your Dreams with Bethany Clemenson

Season #1

In today’s episode, we have Bethany Clemenson, Your Big Life Coach, and Keynote Speaker. A little over a decade ago, she had an almost perfect life - a stable corporate job, a happy family, and financial wealth. But despite these things, she and her family were disconnected, exhausted, unfulfilled, and resentful. Bethany’s life changed when she started turning things around, sold all of their belongings, and traveled the US with her family in a motorized home. Today, Bethany is now fulfilled and happy and serves as a dual certified coach and international speaker. helping women leaders and entrepreneurs depressurize their lives so they can get the results they want and live their Big Life - On Their Terms! IN THIS EPISODE, YOU WILL LEARN: 🌱 [3:00] The Turning Point story 🌱 [11:00] Lessons in living on a motorized home and traveling 🌱 [14:00] The growth pains and sacrfices of changing and aligning your life 🌱 [23:00] Why should you go to Turning Point? Social Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethanyclemenson/ Linked IN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bethanyclem/ Website: www.bigliferesources.com Email: [email protected] Dialed IN! Podcast Link:https://bethanyclem.com/podcast ⏬ Register to Turning Point Registration⏬ https://bit.ly/TP2022Registration


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